We make all salary payments on the last working day of the month.

We deduct and submit taxes (TDS) on your behalf to the government towards your income tax.

When you are hired, the HR & Talent Experience team will help you set up on our personnel management system. Please make sure you go through the finance checklist, which you should get about a week before your first day. This helps our payroll team calculate your taxes in accordance with your personal investments.

Additionally, every Friday, we clear all pending payments for the preceding week. If you purchase things on behalf of the company, we reimburse you those expenses. Submit your receipts for reimbursement to our finance team through your Razorpay X Payroll dashboard.

Flexible Pay Schedule

Life happens. Unforeseen expenses happen. While salaries are typically credited on the last working day of each month, we want to be flexible for those who might need it earlier once in a while. If you need to avail this flexible pay schedule option for the release of your salary slightly earlier, do send in a request to your representative from HR who will help you coordinate with the payroll team.

On your next raise