Our favourite work meeting is having no meeting at all. So before you schedule that meeting, ask yourself, “Can this meeting be an email instead?”

Our next favourite meetings are those that happen when a few people pass each other somewhere in the office and spontaneously start talking, crack a brilliant idea and then move on.

But until we’re fully back in office, a great meeting is one where:

Showing up for meetings & calls

Working from home has blurred the lines between home and work. We don’t have any kind of formal dress code, but we do expect everyone to be presentable to clients and to each other whether you’re meeting online or IRL. Feel free to dress comfortably and authentically according to your own style, religion, or gender expression. We have team members who dress in jeans and t-shirts, others who wear a dress and jewellery, and a few with visible tattoos and coloured hair.

When meeting with clients (either in person or on video calls), we lean toward the more formal end of our casual spectrum. For example, if you usually wear t-shirts, when meeting with clients, wear your nice t-shirt.

Occasionally we’ll be invited to attend a client event with a specific dress code. If you choose to attend, we expect you to follow their lead. If you are uncomfortable with the rules, you are welcome to opt out and it will not reflect on you.

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