We totally get it - performance appraisals, feedback sessions, and evaluations can sometimes feel like a bit of a drag. We also recognize that the expectation of receiving feedback on one's performance can be nerve-wracking, and the fear of criticism can be overwhelming. However, good, honest & consistent feedback is essential to the growth and development of us all.

In fact, we've already emphasised the importance of feedback and one-on-one meetings in our 'How We Work' section. The QTPR is just a more formal version of those conversations. It's a scheduled feedback session that takes place every quarter between you and your manager, giving you both a chance to discuss your overall performance over the last few months on variables that are both specific to your role and the overall expectations from all talent at Talented.

During the QTPR, you'll have the opportunity to receive and give feedback, discuss your successes and failures, and figure out ways to achieve your personal goals while still keeping the company's goals in mind. Our aim is to have an on-record assessment that we can all refer back to in order to track our progress, which will eventually feed into the annual appraisal process.

QTPR Scoring system

Your reporting manager will rate your performance on specific points on the QTPR keeping the following scoring system in mind.

Score of 1-3 (Not meeting expectations)

Score of 4-6 (Somewhat meeting expectations)

Score of 7-8 (Meeting expectations)

Score of 9 (Beyond expectations)

Score of 10 (Over-achieving)

What does the QTPR entail?


Our agency is built on a set of principles that define what we believe in - who we are as a team and our ambitions as an organisation. A significant part of your QTPR, will involve you being assessed on those same values. For eg: how you perform with regards to the agency’s ‘no follow ups’ policy.

Specific Skill Sets

It is equally important to get feedback and understand where you can improve on the actual skill sets that are important for your specific role in the organisation. For example, creative talent will be evaluated according to criteria like quality, consistency, finishing of ideas, respect for craft, their creative stamina etc. Account managers will be assessed based on their presentation skills, operational planning, internal and external relationship management, and other relevant factors.

Overall Performance

Other skill sets that may not be unique to your role such as remote-work-specific performance, responsiveness to feedback, fostering of respect & a collaborative spirit etc. will be covered here.

Any improvement is an improvement, no matter how big or small and it's essential to remember that even small changes can have a significant impact over time. Each step forward, no matter how small, with regular conversations, feedback, evaluations, and even asking for help when needed, moves us closer to our goals as an organisation.

What happens after the QTPR meeting?

Your team lead or reporting manager makes an official submission of your QTPR document to the HR & Talent team. This goes as a record on your official personnel file every quarter and is frequently reviewed by the founders and management of the organisation. These QTPRs are also referred back to during your annual increment and appraisal cycle.